
Devlog - 1

Developed a low poly, souls-like combat game using Unity. As the team lead and Game Developer/Programmer, I am overseeing all aspects of Unity development.

🔹 Developed a Weapon Manager (inventory) system for handling multiple weapons.

🔹 Leveraged Animator Override Controllers for efficient animation management across different weapons.

🔹 Implemented a robust Finite State Machine (FSM) for managing various behavioral states and ensuring smooth transitions. This FSM is designed to allow scalable AI development by deriving AI logic from the core player FSM.

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🔍 Task: Implementing a Dynamic Combat Enemy AI System

The enemy Finite State Machine (FSM) behavior I’ve designed includes multiple states: Idle, Combat, Strafe, and Attack.

Here’s a brief overview of the key mechanics:

  1. State Transitions: The AI switches between Idle, Combat, Strafe, and Attack states based on various conditions.

  2. Strafing Mechanism: When within attack range, the enemy strafes left and right at a specified strafe angle. This angle is dynamically calculated, using the attack range as a circle radius around the target and plotting points on the circumference.

  3. Attack and Combo Execution: Attacks and combos are executed based on random chance, adding unpredictability to the AI’s behavior.

🔧 Technical Details:

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Combat and Level Design Prototype 🚀

This week, I delved into Unity’s Timeline for the first time and created a short clip to showcase the level overview. Your feedback and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


I implemented dynamic footsteps, enhancing the experience with sounds that adapt to surface types and player movement speed. These final gameplay systems were crucial in wrapping up the project, along with some last-minute post-processing tweaks and bug fixes.

Game Design Document Build (Windows)
